Nyok Kite Nongton

Salahkan Imron atas penyebaran virus ini… Kali ini males pake gambar ah… Masih mau kerja sebelom berangkat latihan. πŸ˜‰

1. What movie have you seen the most times in the theater? How many times?
Romeo+Juliet. Dua kali seinget gue. Kalo DVDnya sih sering. Hihihi…

2. What was the last movie you walked out of in the theater?
Gak pernah tuh keluar sebelum film selesai. Palingan buru2 keluar untuk ngejar film berikutnya di JiFFest. πŸ˜€

3. What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

4. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Wah, banyak… Romeo+Juliet, Moulin Rouge, Les Choristes, De-Lovely, August Rush, Across the Universe

5. Have you ever dressed up as a movie character for Halloween? If so, who?
Hmm… Belom pernah sih, tapi seru juga kali jadi Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter) di Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

6. What was the first R-rated movie you ever saw? Were you allowed or did you sneak?
Pretty Woman. I sneaked and got caught. Hahahaha…

7. Star Wars (orig. trilogy) or Lord of the Rings?
Lord of the Rings!

8. Pacino or De Niro?
De Niro

9. Titanic…did it suck or was it great?
Sucked. Too cheesy for my taste. But I like DiCaprio, nonetheless.

10. What’s your take on Cassavetes?
Wah, sayang sekali gue belom pernah menonton film karya atau yang dibintangi beliau.
Any recommendations?

11. Favorite John Hughes character?
Uncle Buck!

12. Which movie gives you a boner (or makes you tingle)?
Schindler’s List

13. Which movie always makes you cry like the big puss you are?
Life is Beautiful

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever gotten in a movie theater? (i.e, second base…)
Hubungannya apa ya pertanyaan ini dengan topik yang sedang dibahas? *ngeles*

15. Speaking of sports metaphors, what’s your favorite sports movie?
Remember the Titans

16. Favorite
(a)… teen movie?
Stand By Me

(b)…Quentin Tarantino movie?
Hmm… Antara Natural Born Killers sama True Romance deh… :p

(c)…Bill Murray movie?
Groundhog Day

(d)…romantic & / comedy?
When Harry Met Sally, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Love Actually, My Best Friend’s Wedding, About A Boy

(e)…gangster movie?
The Untouchables

(f)…horror movie?
Bram Stoker’s Dracula dan Interview with the Vampire… Hmm, mencurigakan gak sih gue?

(g)…made for TV movie?
entah apakah termasuk TV movie atau nggak, tapi gue suka Band of Brothers, miniseri produksi HBO

Tim Burton dan Baz Luhrmann.

(i)…drug movie?
Requiem for a Dream

17. Which movie have you seen already but will never, ever, ever watch again?
Eiffel I’m in Love. Untung nontonnya di TV.

18. Which movie are you embarrassed to really like?
The Birdcage.. Sebenernya sih gak embarrassed2 amat sih… Tapi kalo lagi butuh ketawa2 nggak jelas gue pasti nonton ini.

19. Which movie should be remade asap?
No idea. Tapi sebaliknya, ngapain sih film2 Jepang/Korea mesti diremake? Suruh aja orang nonton bahasa aslinya, knapa… Shall We Dance versi Jepang jauh lebih kocak daripada versi menye-menye-nya J-Lo dan Richard Gere.

20. What the f*** happened to (insert answer)? He/she used to be so damn funny!
Drew Barrymore. Yah, nggak damn funny sih tapi funny in a cute way. Sekarang kok nanggung2 gitu…

21. For the love of everything that’s sacred, please someone stop (insert answer) from making another movie!
Siapapun yang bikin film2 bergenre sex-comedy dan sex-horror di Indonesia. Eh, nggak di Indonesia doang deng… Gue sebel banget sama film2 seperti Scary Movie, American Pie, dll.

22. Which movie do all your friends love but you think is whatevs?
The Da Vinci Code dan Quickie Express, I suppose

23. Which movie do you love but all your friends think is whatevs?
Moulin Rouge! (kaliii… don’t really care what they think, tho… hihihi)

24. If you could shag/date/marry any movie character, who would it be?
Aladdin. Hahaha… But to make it more real, I’d say Romeo Montague. Thank God I’m not a Capulet. πŸ˜‰

25. Best movie ever?
Waduuuh. Bingung nentuinnya. Pokoknya gue suka Red Curtain Trilogy-nya Baz Luhrmann (Strictly Ballroom, R+J, dan Moulin Rouge!), karya2nya Tim Burton (dari Beetlejuice sampe Big Fish, Edward Scissorhands sampe Sweeney Todd),
and also, of course, karya2 Studio Ghibli, dan Disney (with and without Pixar). Belum lagi psycho-thriller seperti Silence of the Lambs, SE7EN… Musikal2 lain yang gak kesebut. Ah sudahlah, tidak perlu panjang lebar lagi.

26. Book you wish would be made into a movie, and who would direct it?
The Little Match Girl (dongeng, lebih tepatnya, bukan buku)… by Baz Luhrmann (Bohemian style hihihi). Tapi untuk sementara versi Drama Musikal GADIS KOREK API oleh sutradara Anthes (dan cast-nya C-Choir). Hahaha… Hidup tetep.com!

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